Death Valley

Our ongoing relationship with America's largest and wildest desert national park began with official Visiting Artist Programs in 2005, 2006 and 2008.   The remote, austere and dramatic Basin and Range Landscape inspired exploration and over one hundred paintings and has continued with large studio works.  We’ve travelled to desert hot springs, crossed the Funeral and Last Chance Mountains, visited Crankshaft Junction and the Eureka Dunes, yet new destinations await and new paintings remain to be created.


Janet's childrens book Welcome to Death Valley is now available.

Janet's watercolors

badwater shadows

Greg's oil paintings

badwater shadows golden canyon
golden into artists palette narrows of cottonwood canyon
mosaic canyon panamint mountains
panamint butte saline valley hot springs
ubehebe crater twenty mule team canyon


Janet Morgan and Gregory Frux Bring Back Expedition Art

Article by Ann Japenga about us on the California Desert Art Website